High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani gave an interview for the journalist Endri Xhafo on ABC News. The High Inspector of Justice spoke about his vision for the institution he leads, with the verification of the complaints against judges and prosecutors of all levels, members of the High Judicial Council, members of the High Prosecutorial Council and the Prosecutor General.

From the verification to the investigation of disciplinary proceedings, Mr. Metani highlighted the intention for a radical change in the concept of inspection and to unify the best standards of justice for all.

“It is a new challenge, a new institution with new constitutional standards, with a new legal standard and with new practices. Of course the inspection has existed before, but it has been divided among three institutions: the HCJ (KLD), the Ministry of Justice and the Prosecutor General. Now the three of them are gathered in an independent institution, they are no longer dependent on any institution, not even political such as the executive!” said Mr. Metani. All these are unexplored paths according to the High Inspector of Justice, which need to be paved with standards and principles. Never should we submit to the will of the moment, nor to the subjectivisms or the heat of the debate of the moment, but we must see things with a long-term vision, see issues in their principle and at the core of maintaining an important balance of them.

The High Inspector of Justice said that after the verification, the investigations have started for some prosecutors and judges.

“The inspection should not be seen as a punishment against prosecutors and judges and without a doubt those who have committed violations should be feared. However, the most important thing is to find the right balance among the public interest to monitor and see the justice by judges and prosecutors, the separation of powers, and the independence of judges and prosecutors. “, Mr. Metani said.

The full interview of the High Inspector of Justice, Mr. Artur Metani given to the journalist Endri Xhafo.