The High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani gave an interview on Vizion Plus television for journalist Pranvera Borakaj.

Journalist Pranvera Borakaj: What do you think about the recent operation of the anti-corruption prosecution in the court of Kruja?

High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani: Welcoming the SPAK action, I would like to say that it was an action which showed that while the High Inspector of Justice and the respective Councils were working with their procedures on disciplinary proceedings against the same magistrate and other magistrates, other new justice institutions were working as well within their competences. This case and other investigative cases show that justice has two sides: the old justice that is actively refusing to obey the law and the new justice, which works consistently with the implementation of its legal obligations. In my opinion this is war, a war that will take time and for me it does not matter if the final verdict of this war is made by HIJ, HJC, HOC or SPAK. It is important that we realize now that justice can be done when we are all working together towards a common goal. This is the right moment for us to turn Albanian justice into a justice each of us deserves. It is high time the mind and heart worked as a single muscle so as to keep pure the sacred interests of justice.

Journalist Pranvera Borakaj: Mr. Metani, you have been investigating Judge Enkeleda Hoxha for several months. What were your main conclusions?

High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani: The main conclusions have been sent to the High Judicial Council, according to the relevant acts, and they belong to that council now, therefore I would not appreciate to make them part of public interviews. These are confidential matters. Once the hearing is held, the case conclusions of the High Inspector of Justice will be public.

Journalist Pranvera Borakaj: As previously mentioned, you have also sent the request for the dismissal of this judge to the High Judicial Council. How do you consider the process by the HJC (KLGJ) so far?

High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani: This process has started in the High Judicial Council since the beginning of December, when the High Inspector of Justice sent to the Council the request for the magistrate dismissal. Two sessions have already been held by the Council. Beyond the requests reasons for the session’s postponement made by the magistrate, I have requested the Council that while respecting the magistrate right to have the most effective defense, they should take measures not to delay the hearing because in the end both the High Inspector of Justice and the High Judicial Council protect the public interest, which must be balanced with the magistrate interest for a regular process and for the most effective defense.

Journalist Pranvera Borakaj: What message does this reaction convey to the new justice institutions?

High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani: The message is that the sacred principle of separation of powers and the internal conviction of the magistrate, the independence of the judge and the prosecutor in their decision-making will be respected. An equally important message is that every illegal action is being monitored by the new justice institutions and will not go unpunished.

Journalist Pranvera Borakaj: You mentioned at the beginning of this interview that there is a division between the old and the new justice. Are there other names of prosecutors or judges who may be arrested or charged with the next day, I mean in the future, who are under investigation?

High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani: Yes, I see. The duty of the High Inspector of Justice is not limited to several months, we work continuously and cases and complaints are issued at any time. The High Inspector of Justice is verifying them very carefully and once a violation is committed by a certain magistrate, we will address to the relevant Council for the decision-making process.

Journalist Pranvera Borakaj: One last question. The election campaign is approaching and during this time, now and then, elements of the criminal world come out of prisons, released by court order. Does this time demand for a greater vigilance of the institutions that control the work of courts and prosecution offices?

High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani: We are vigilant at all times and new justice bodies or institutions do not have election campaigns.

Journalist Pranvera Borakaj: Mr. Metani, thank you.

High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani: Thank you.


The full interview of High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani can be found here: