High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani welcomed in a courtesy meeting the delegation of the Rule of Law Centre of Finland, headed by the former Finnish Minister of Justice Ms. Tuija Brax.

The High Inspector of Justice made an introduction of the role and functions of the HIJ, as one of the newest institutions of the Reform of Justice, which aims to increase citizens’ trust in the justice system, through promoting better work standards for prosecutors and judges. “Not only should a magistrate be responsible for compliance or non-compliance with legal norms, but he should also be responsible to people, society and state government bodies, thus directly influencing the public’s perception and trust in the justice system. The level of citizens’ trust in the justice bodies is a very important element for the justice system, as it is an important indicator to evaluate how the justice system and the rule of law work in a country,” said Mr. Metani

Ms. Brax explained that the purpose of this organization is to connect Finnish expertise and experience on the Rule of Law with national and international institutions that can benefit from it. Currently, the Rule of Law Centre of Finland is a donor and co-implementer with International IDEA (International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance) in the project “Integrity and Trust in Elections in Albania: Promoting Political Finance Transparency and Safe Use of Information Technologies and Communication”.