The High Prosecutorial Council accepted the proposal of the High Inspector of Justice for the disciplinary measure “dismissal” against magistrate S.H., prosecutor in the Prosecution Office attached to Saranda Judicial District Court at the time of the disciplinary violation, for the violation provided for by Article 148/d, paragraph 2, letter “b” of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, as well as article 104 of law no. 96/2016 “On the Status of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”, as amended.

According to the investigative report of the High Inspector of Justice, magistrate S.H. was found guilty by the Special Court of Appeal for Corruption and Organized Crime, for committing the criminal offense of “Passive corruption of judges, prosecutors and other justice officials”, and “Refusal to make a declaration or non-declaration of assets, private interests of elected persons or public servants or any other person who has the legal obligation to make a declaration” and was sentenced to 2 years and 4 months of imprisonment.

The magistrate, subject to the disciplinary investigation, results to have committed actions during the exercise of his duty, which were deemed to contain elements of the criminal offense provided for by Article 319/ç of the Criminal Code, with a view to unfairly benefiting from them by showing bias in a court case. Prosecutor S.H. has seriously discredited the integrity, authority, and dignity of the magistrate and has reduced the public confidence in the administration of justice.

The HIJ investigation concluded that the magistrate’s actions constitute a very serious disciplinary violation and asked the High Prosecutorial Council to accept the request for the disciplinary measure “Dismissal from duty” against prosecutor S.H., a request which was approved.