Hello everyone!

Thank you for your presence in Tirana today!

I cannot hide the happiness I feel for the organization of this activity. Today, almost a year and a half later, we are together again. I feel very privileged and honored that the scheduled meeting of the General Assembly of RESIJ is taking place in Albania.

During this time, we have had an intensive cooperation. We have had a lot of activities within RESIJ, but this meeting today has a different meaning for me. Perhaps due to the very fact that the institution of the High Inspector of Justice of the Republic of Albania now enjoys the status of a full member of RESIJ. Thank you all of you! It is an honor for the institution that I head to be part of this organization today as a full member of it.

I see your decision to make the institution of the High Inspector of Justice of the Republic of Albania a full member of RESIJ, first of all, as an appreciation for the commitment of the HIJ institution of the Republic of Albania to this Network so far. On the other hand, I see the membership of HIJ to RESIJ as a confirmation of our common will and cooperation.

However, in addition to the recognition and cooperation, I also perceive it as a great responsibility. I see this membership process as a challenge to respond to all the requirements of the Network and to the contribution, which now has to be given in the capacity of a member as well as fulfilling a series of obligations that may arise in the future.

At the same time, today’s meeting of the General Assembly of RESIJ has a very special importance. Considering today’s changes, which we will undertake in the Statute, we intend to define new rules on its organization and operation. This phase coincides with a new beginning of RESIJ’s activity.

Today RESIJ “acquires” a new legal personality. Personally, I think that RESIJ requires special attention. Our approach to RESIJ activities requires an increased care and more commitment. The development and growth of any organization of this kind, apart from cooperation, action and energy, requires above all a mission, it requires planning at a strategic level by defining clear priorities, as well as an approach as comprehensive as possible from all us for the achievement of our goals.

During these days, thinking about my considerations and the remark I would share with you, some feelings or dilemmas based on the skepticism regarding the future of RESIJ came to my mind, dilemmas which we also discussed during the conference “Tirana 2022” in June. These are the difficulties we face, which come as a result of the differences that we RESIJ members have from a political, legal, organizational and institutional point of view.

By doing a retrospective analysis of RESIJ’s activity so far, I come to the conclusion that not only have we all together, managed to overcome these barriers which arise in front of us due to this diversity, but we have also produced clear results, both for a short-term period as well as for the years to come.

However, there is still more to be done. The organization of this meeting today, as well as its agenda, is a clear indication that we are on the right track. Considering our performance so far, by applying the best methods or approaches of successful partnership and communication, as well as having a good will to contribute to the development of the role of inspection services in compliance with our common European values, like democracy and the rule of law, I personally believe that we will succeed in making RESIJ fulfill the mission which it was created for.

Thank you once again for your participation and allow me to give the floor to the President of RESIJ, Ms. Roxana Petcu.

Thank you!