High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani participated in the meeting that the Speaker of the Assembly Mrs. Elisa Spiropali developed with the heads of independent institutions in the country.

The full speech of the High Inspector of Justice

Thank you, Madam Speaker!

Dear ambassadors!

I listened very carefully to your speech, Madam Speaker and to be honest, I’m glad that firstly you took the initiative to organize this and secondly for the message you gave in the speech, because I share the same opinion with you, that the Assembly should have another type of relationship with independent institutions. Not formal, like what we have had so far in terms of proposals, legal changes that we think should be made by our institutions, or for the approval of the budgeting of our institutions, which are part of the work normality, after all.

I think the relationship between our institutions is much more lively, because such are the dynamics of the country. The political process of Albania’s integration into the European Union requires more commitment, more coordination.  In this sense, that’s why I see it more alive. Not to talk just about the concerns we share, but about the values ​​that unite our institutions, about the values ​​on which the future of Albania must be built. Maybe this seems a bit utopian, a bit shallow as a tool, as an instrument, but I think it is the most solid tool to ensure a more democratic future and based on the separation of powers for institutions, in the decades to come.

The reform in justice, in addition to creating a very good architecture in my personal view of the justice bodies, I think it also created a very strong foundation, not just for the relations of justice institutions with the Assembly, with politics and society, but for all other institutions, based on a strong philosophy of separation of powers. This is probably nice to hear, but very difficult to implement, because it requires what Ms. Tabaku said. It requires respect, which we probably don’t read explicitly written in books and in laws, but which is a political mentality, which we need to consolidate it in relation to each other.  I say this, not because of any negative experience I had personally with the assembly, but I raise it as a matter of principle, excluding the last year to be honest, but this is an episode. The relationship of the High Inspector of Justice with the assembly has been functional. The needs of the High Inspector of Justice have been met, either for budgeting or for structuring and so on. I am raising it to a very principled level, that we need to talk to each other about the values on which we should be based, to increase the quality of justice delivery in the justice bodies, but also the level of the mentality of the political culture or discussions between each other. This is very important. This is the message I wanted to give and I hope to continue communicating this way of in the future.

Thank you!

The speech of Mr. Metani at the meeting of the Assembly with independent institutions 26/09/2024.