High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani took part in the round table on “Communication of the Governing Bodies of the Justice System with the Media and the Public”, an activity of the SEJIII project of the Council of Europe in support of the High Council of Prosecution.

This issue was discussed among the three new justice institutions, High Prosecutorial Council, High Judicial Council and High Inspector of Justice with experts from CEPEJ (Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Albania) and the ECHR for freedom of expression and the media.

In his speech, Mr. Metani said that the high public expectations on the work and results of the system, for a justice that acts equally towards injustice and the culture of impunity, make the new justice institutions be in limelight, be observed, judged and prejudiced, correctly or not. But this, said the High Inspector of Justice, does not seem to bring reluctancy or fear of criticism, but self-restraint and commitment to stay above the daily interests of actors and public factors, focusing on our mission.

“I believe that a very good defence mechanism is transparency, through a good communication strategy, for the qualitative presentation of our work, both for increasing and strengthening the public’s trust in justice, as well as for strengthening the functioning and role of our own institutions in achieving and maintaining the independence and impartiality of magistrates”, said among others Mr. Metani.


On the second day of the round table “Communication of the Governing Bodies of the Justice System with the Media and the Public”, the advisor for communication and media of the HIJ, Mrs. Mimoza Kociu delivered the presentation “Communication strategies”. The model of the High Inspector of Justice”.