The High Inspector of Justice, Mr. Artur Metani, hosted today at the premises of the HIJ the class of 2022 of the LEAD Albania program of the Albanian-American Development Foundation.

Fellows of LEAD Albania one-year programme are young and talented professionals, who have the opportunity to have direct experience in the governance process, through engagement for one year, as part of the cabinets of the highest state institutions in the country, from the President of Republic to the Municipality of Tirana. For the first time this year, fellows of LEAD Albania have been employed in the new institutions of justice, such as the High Inspector of Justice, which hosted Ms. Edlira Osmani.

The meeting with Mr. Metani was held in a form of a conversation on the role and functions of the High Inspector of Justice, as the institution responsible for verifying complaints, investigating disciplinary violations and initiating disciplinary proceedings against judges and prosecutors of all levels, members of the High Judicial Council, members of the High Prosecutorial Council and the General Prosecutor.

Mr. Metani appreciated the commitment of LEAD Albania fellows educated abroad and eager to contribute to their country. In response to the fellows’ interest regarding the public’s perception of the institution, the High Inspector of Justice Mr. Metani underlined that it is important for the HIJ to strengthen the trust of the magistrates in the HIJ alongside to the public trust in the justice system, so that they can make fair and uninfluenced decisions in their work.