High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani participated in the Albania-EU bilateral meeting in Brussels, as part of the screening process on chapter 23 of the membership negotiations.

In his presentation “On independence, impartiality and accountability”, Mr. Metani made a complete overview of the accountability system of magistrates in Albania, after the adoption of the justice reform, as well as highlighting the regulatory framework of the accountability system of magistrates, the progress of this accountability process, presenting also the problems with which the new institutions of justice, HIJ specifically, faced at the moment of their creation. “I will mention the problems here, not to complain or at worst to justify a situation, but as a clear indication of addressing these problems quickly and efficiently and to tell this honourable panel that despite all the difficulties, the accountability system of magistrates in Albania is working. A clear indication is the public interest in the use of the system of complaints against judges and prosecutors, as well as the widespread use of the constitutional and legal mechanism of control over the work of magistrates. “, said Metani.

While presenting the High Inspector of Justice Institution, Mr. Metani focused, among other things, on the completion of the regulatory framework using by-laws, on disciplinary investigation, HIJ decisions and disciplinary proceedings since the start of HIJ activity in February 2020 as well as on the HIJ contribution in increasing the quality of the justice system, through thematic inspections. The presentation of the HIJ ended with the introduction of the institution’s short-term and long-term priorities as a vision for the future.

“I personally consider this process, or a meeting like this one today, a unique occasion in the professional life of each of us. I strongly believe that not only is this negotiation process with the European Union a political and meritocratic process, but it carries within itself a transformative power which I believe in and which the EU naturally transmits to countries that aspire to become part of it or rather, part of its values. This is because in my view justice is a social standard and value and not a statistical one.”

“For the High Inspector of Justice”, said Mr. Metani, “the fact that the accountability system works is an essential issue and of a special importance for the future, since a system must first function and then give results and not the opposite. And the accountability system is working! There are results, but the effects of these standards are extended over time. In addition to the operation, concrete results are also found, such as: the proceedings of the magistrates in cases where they commit acts that constitute disciplinary violations or the increased caution of the magistrates when applying the law (the case of conditional releases of dangerous convicts), etc., there is still a lot to be done so that the accountability system can function completely, permanently and consistently. The values ​​of respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law are the crucial assets of the European Union, and protecting them is a common responsibility for all its member states. However, I think that the approach to them should be seen as a symbol that unites us all. Before being a political project, Europe is a system of human values. As in the words of Jean Monnet, the European Union does not aim at forming coalitions between states, but above all the union among people who believe and live in the system of European values”, said High Inspector of Justice Metani during his presentation.

Heads of other justice institutions, part of the Albanian delegation in the process of membership negotiations for chapter 23 “Judiciary and Fundamental Freedoms”, presented their work in this meeting.