Vlora, January 27, 2023 

Public awareness and increased transparency on the mission, powers and responsibilities of the HIJ Office, as an important work dimension, were materialized through a memorandum of cooperation signed by High Inspector of Justice, Mr. Artur Metani and the Rector of “Ismail Qemali” University of Vlora, Mr. Roland Zisi.

The memorandum foresees several ways of cooperation, from open lectures, joint projects which focus on legal and professional education, to providing opportunities for students of the Department of Justice to do internships at the High Inspector of Justice Office.

High Inspector of Justice, Mr. Artur Metani said that it was the HIJ attention to support the professional growth of the new generation of legal professionals, as a real contribution to the democratization of society and the consolidation of the rule of law.

The rector, Mr. Roland Zisi, appreciated the cooperation established with the High Inspector of Justice Office, as a concrete way to use shared capacities in support of educational programs that serve the student community.

Then, according to the invitation of rector Zisi, the High Inspector of Justice held an open lecture with students and lecturers of the Department of Law on the topic: “The HIJ role in the new architecture of the justice system”.

At the start of the lecture, rector Roland Zisi and the head of the Department of Justice, Mr. Erjon Hitaj, appreciated the High Inspector of Justice presence among law students at the University of Vlora as well as the HIJ institution’s role in monitoring the work of magistrates of all levels.

In response to the auditor’s interest about the expectations in the justice reform, Mr. Metani said that it is extremely important that the justice reform reflects the spirit for which it was conceived and adopted. “Based on the principle of separation and balancing of powers, the justice reform needs to convey to the citizens, to the society, the importance of implementing this principle. Not as a means to avoid responsibilities, but as the only standard that guarantees us the future of the justice system independence, and therefore the success of the rule of law in Albania. And in this direction, the efficiency of the accountability system remains essential; it must function completely, permanently and consistently”.

Concrete cooperation with law faculties of universities is a goal made public by the High Inspector of Justice, which will continue with other universities of the country.