High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani participated in the closing activity of the project “All eyes on justice”, where it was presented the analytical document of monitoring the indicators of Cross-Sector Strategy of Justice 2021-2025, and measuring the performance of the independent institutions, prepared by the Institute for Political and Legal Studies (IPLS) with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Albania/MATRA.

In his speech Mr. Metani said that despite having parallel interests – on the one hand our bodies focus on the justice system, and on the other hand civil society monitors the results, we have a common goal, which is the transparency of the activity through the publication of the results and their monitoring to improve our role. This is all done to increase public awareness about this important reform process.

The High Inspector of Justice evaluated the monitoring of the HIJ Office performance, pointing out that “Although the analyzes are rightly based on statistical data and figures which are undoubtedly indicators of performance at some levels, it is essential to understand that justice cannot be a statistic, but a standard. This is precisely the challenge of the justice system institutions, not just the number of dismissed and prosecuted judges and prosecutors, but the establishment of standards and work values that will be cultivated and enriched for the future.”

Full remark of the High Inspector of Justice


I take the opportunity to thank you for the attention paid to the performance of the justice reform institutions and in particular to the High Inspector of Justice, in your detailed monitoring report. This document, conceived with quantitative and qualitative analysis of appropriate indicators, shows concrete results of efforts to strengthen the consolidation of our institutions, in this intermediate phase of the implementation of SND II.

This is undoubtedly the moment to discuss the achievements, challenges but also the problems encountered in practice. These round tables serve mostly to receive opinions and feedback from the audience which carefully monitors the activity with cold cognition. Despite having parallel interests – on the one hand our bodies focus on the justice system, and on the other hand civil society monitors the results, we have a common goal, which is the transparency of the activity through the publication of the results and their monitoring to improve our role. This is all done to protect interest.

The measured indicators for the HIJ show visible results, in terms of increasing public awareness. Not only is this to show that the HIJ pays increased attention to the citizen by thoroughly examining every claim, but also to start investigations based on the citizens legally based complaints. In quite a few cases, the HIJ has started the investigations based on citizens’ complaints, which have resulted in concrete measures for magistrates, ranging from dismissals to disciplinary measures in their careers. In the recent past, the perception of punishing a magistrate for disciplinary violations was considered an insurmountable barrier, but today, thanks to the dedication and attention paid to the system, we have tangible results. Results that have been achieved thanks to work standards established among great challenges, and which have had an impact on the system, showing that the bodies of the justice system have been established and are performing their constitutional mission.

Every complaint or investigative procedure follows a legally predetermined path, so even through encouraging the public to file complaints with the HIJ, we have taken several measures to increase awareness and communication with the public, I mention here the public survey, the special rubric of frequently asked questions, rubrics on our website, where the HIJ mission and role in the justice system are highlighted. We aim to promote through awareness, the education and expectations for conducting audits or investigations into the behavior or performance of the system as a whole, guaranteeing the independence and impartiality of the judiciary.

The High Inspector of Justice, in fulfilling his mission and function, does not regard the increase or decrease in the number of investigations as the only indicator of performance or quality. Paving the way for setting clear standards, maintaining the balance between the public interest and the independence of magistrates to perform their duties responsibly is the challenge and priority that should guide the work. Violation of these standards by competent bodies, either in number or procedure, would have an impact on our performance.

Although the analyzes are rightly based on statistical data and figures which are undoubtedly indicators of performance at some levels, it is essential to understand that justice cannot be a statistic, but a standard. This is precisely the challenge of the justice system institutions, not just the number of dismissed and prosecuted judges and prosecutors, but the establishment of standards and work values that will be cultivated and enriched for the future

Of course, a lot has been achieved in just 3 years of activity, as rightly noted in the monitoring report, and even more remains to be done until finding the balances among the competition of legitimate interests, therefore it is our work vision to set standards in every direction.

Thank you!