Facilitating the complaint process remains a constant priority of the High Inspector of Justice Office. During its three years of existence, the institution has continuously tried to clarify this process, through the publication of a standard complaint form on HIJ official website, which can be sent in three ways: online, by mail or in person. There is also a guide for completing it, as well as a completed complaint model on the website.

Paying special attention to the relationship with the citizens, as a way to improve and increase public trust in our institution, for several months now, we have established a direct communication through a survey, published on our website, about the work of our institution. The responses we receive are key elements which guide our work.

Based on the answers received so far, we have decided to review the way of informing citizens about how they can complain against the violations of judges and prosecutors. In order to thoroughly clarify the entire complaining process at the High Inspector of Justice, we are bringing out in the complaints section, the questions and their corresponding answers that are most frequently asked by the citizens and the media.

Frequently asked questions about Complaints

We invite you to give us your opinion about the Office of the High Inspector of Justice by completing the survey:
