As part of the HIJ goal to have a real cooperation with the law faculties of our country’s universities, High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani signed a memorandum of cooperation with Mr. Skender Topi, Rector of University of Elbasan “Aleksandër Xhuvani”.

The purposes of this memorandum are to organize joint activities focusing on legal and professional education in the field of justice, including initiatives of research and academic nature, to use joint capacities for designing educational programs that serve the student community and especially to provide opportunities for students of the Department of Law to do internships at the High Inspector of Justice Office.

After signing the memorandum, Rector Prof. Dr. Skender Topi underlined that the implementation starts immediately, with the open lecture of the High Inspector of Justice with the students of the Department of Law.

“We have signed many agreements with local and foreign institutions, but I think this one today is a very big support coming from a high constitutional institution – the High Inspector of Justice. In addition to joint activities, open lectures, this agreement also provides for the best students to do their internships at the High Inspector of Justice Office, a valuable experience for their professional future,” said Rector Topi.

“The memorandum that we signed today has three main purposes, firstly to present the work and functions of the HIJ, something that in fact should have been done from the beginning by each of us, new institutions of justice, so that the public opinion can understand our functions and roles in the architecture of the justice system, according to the predictions of the justice reform. Second, law students will have the opportunity to do their internship at HIJ Office, a good opportunity to help them see first-hand how the work of judges and prosecutors is monitored. Thirdly, in addition to joint activities and lecturers, students themselves will have the opportunity to give a qualified professional opinion about the HIJ at request, helping, among other things, to spread the legal culture in the community”, said Mr. Metani.

At the beginning of the open lecture with the students of the law department of “Aleksandër Xhuvani” University, the dean of the Faculty of Economics Prof. As. Dr. Imelda Sejdini praised the HIJ work. Despite being a new institution, HIJ has managed to set work standards from the beginning, which is a challenging process, a fact also highlighted by the head of the Law Department, Prof. Dr. Arbër Gjata.

During the lecture with the students of the law department of “Aleksandër Xhuvani” University, Mr. Metani talked about how young people see the justice system, its functioning, including here the institution responsible for disciplinary violations of judges and prosecutors at every level in the country, which is the High Inspector of Justice.

For a more specific information, the European Center distributed informative leaflets about HIJ to the students, as part of HIJ’s cooperation with CSOs, which monitor the new justice institutions.