At the invitation of High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani, with the support of CEPEJ – the joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe, the President of the European Network of Justice Inspection Services (RESIJ), at the same time chairman of Inspectorate General of Justice of France, Mr. Christophe Straudo was on a working visit to Albania. The visit agenda included meetings with heads of institutions in Tirana, which were also attended by the Ambassador of France in Albania, Ms. Elisabeth Barsacq.

In the Metani-Straudo bilateral meeting, the conversation between the two counterparts focused on their commitment, as part of RESIJ, to contribute to a justice system that is based on the core principles of independence, impartiality and equality before the law.

While focusing on the respective institutions, Mr. Metani and Mr. Straudo shared the same attitude that despite the changes in the institutional status, the inspection should always be independent and in respect of the balance of the public interest in the administration of justice.

In the meeting with the Deputy Chairwoman of the Albanian Parliament, MsErmonela Felaj said that the Assembly appreciates and strongly supports the functioning of the High Inspector of Justice, the increase in its contribution and performance in terms of improving the performance of the system, establishing the best work standards in the justice system and fulfilling the public expectations and trust. Ms. Felaj also underlined the importance of the cooperation of the HIJ with the Inspectorate General of Justice of France, based on the similarity of the criminal and civil legislation of both countries.

In the meeting with the Minister of Justice, Mr. Ulsi Manja appreciated France’s contribution to the consolidation of the justice system in Albania, even through this cooperation with the High Inspector of Justice, within the framework of RESIJ.

The Minister of Justice said that with the approval of the justice reform in Albania, the justice institutions are completely independent, while the challenge now is the implementation of this reform, with the efforts of all actors in the country, especially the new institutions of the system such as the High Inspector of Justice, whose work is having a strong impact on the system, not only with the handling of complaints or individual cases, but with the dimension of recommendations which have resulted from the conduct of thematic inspections.

In the meeting held in the premises of the High Judicial Council, the chairperson Ms. Naureda Llagami, evaluated, among other things, the full cooperation with the High Inspector of Justice. “The work performance of Mr. Metani and his team has been professional and has reflected high standards, influencing in this way, the performance of the courts in the country. – said the chairperson of the High Judicial Council adding that “precisely because of this work and trust that is being built in this institution, I think that in the future, the increase in the courts work performance will come naturally.”

In the meeting with the High Prosecutorial Council, the chairman Mr. Alfred Balla underlined the professional work of the High Inspector of Justice in relation to the HPC, as the institution that decides on the disciplinary measures against prosecutors proposed by the HIJ. On the other hand, the chairman of the High Prosecutorial Council appreciated the impressive work of Mr. Metani in the field of international cooperation, something he has found out himself, with his participation in the International Conference of the European Justice Inspection Services, which HIJ organized in Tirana last year to discuss the independence of magistrates.

In the meeting at the Supreme Court, Mr. Straudo accompanied by Mr. Metani met with the Vice President of the Supreme Court of Albania Mr. Sokol Sadushi and its members Mr. Ilir Panda and Mr. Ervin Puppe.

After making a presentation of the Supreme Court, Mr. Sadushi focused on the role of the High Inspector of Justice, which he singled out as the most powerful institution in the system, due to the powers given by the constitution, and he also evaluated the professional relationship with the HIJ.

In these meetings Mr. Christophe Straudo praised the support of the Albanian institutions for the High Inspector of Justice and the contribution of the HIJ to the impartiality of the justice system and the strengthening of the rule of law, as a cornerstone in Albania’s journey towards EU membership. The President of RESIJ underlined that HIJ with observer status, is actively present in the Network by bringing its own contribution and in this context, within RESIJ there are no differences between EU member states and EU candidate states. On the other hand, Mr. Straudo underlined that France and the European Network of Justice Inspection Services will continue to support the HIJ.

High Inspector of Justice Metani valued the cooperation with RESIJ as a very good professional experience for the HIJ, and highlighted the efforts of the institution he heads, to establish work norms every day. At first glance this may seem simple but it undoubtedly serves the future, a justice system that serves citizens with the best legal standards. Even the visit of Mr. Straudo, according to Mr. Metani, serves this working philosophy of HIJ.