High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani held an open lecture with law and political science students, participants in the “Citizen in charge” Academy of the “Civic Resistance” organization.

Mr. Metani delivered a lecture on “The High Inspector of Justice role in the new architecture of the justice system and civic engagement in the society of the rule of law”, explaining the functions and challenges of the HIJ activity, as well as the vision of the institution he heads, in relation to the monitoring of the magistrate’s work, verification, investigation and disciplinary proceedings.

Responding to the students’ interest in various aspects of the HIJ work, but also in problems in the justice system in general, Mr. Metani highlighted the work philosophy of the institution he heads, which is to find a balance between the public and civic interest in the way justice is administered and the respect for the independence of magistrates.

“They are both equally important, observed the High Inspector of Justice, – in the first place, it must be understood that the independence of magistrates is accompanied by accountability. The system itself must be accountable, because the independence is not a privilege, but a responsibility. On the other hand, the way the public interest is given voice is very delicate, since the system cannot succeed if we do not create a democratic environment, if we do not support it.”

Asked about the sensitivities and expectations of the citizens from the justice reform, Mr. Metani again underlined the importance of understanding that democracy and the rule of law are interconnected and that the civic responsibility is a contribution to social democratization.

“The Justice Reform takes time to produce its effects. There are definitely elements of independence and this is evident and should be encouraged; because it is called independence when you like a court decision, but also when you don’t like it. We have to learn to accept this. This is legal but also democratic culture. On the other hand, as far as the people of the system are concerned, their independence consists of many elements, starting from the general gradual formation over the years, which is the investment in knowledge that helps to establish the professional image of the individual, because it must be understood that justice is quality.”, said Mr. Metani.