The High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani had a dialogue with the journalist of News 24 Klodiana Lala, on the work of the institution during its 11 months of operation and on the effects and expectations of the Justice Reform.

When asked about the current state of justice reform and the institutions that emerged from it, Mr. Metani highlights that the profound constitutional, legal and institutional reform, which the justice system with a new architecture underwent, obviously takes its time because the system can be in trouble but the mechanism has started to move and it is time for results now.

“A very important challenge starts now- the implementation of the competencies that these institutions have and the fulfillment of the purposes these institutions were created for, such as restoring public confidence, giving impartial justice free from interests of any kind, and so forth.

Obviously, this has also brought difficulties to the system. These difficulties have undoubtedly resulted from the movements due to the dismissal of magistrates by the transitional assessment bodies, the so-called vetting bodies; they have inarguably been and will be in the future as a result of the external interventions of the system, such as the inspection or monitoring of the work of judges and prosecutors by the High Inspector of Justice. However, it must be said that the Reform is not limited to that. It had to do with the establishment of institutions but also with the codes of civil and criminal procedures changes, criminal and civil trials changes, which means that there are new procedures by courts and prosecutors.  Needless to say these are not changes whose results can be seen in one day, one year or two. They need their time. It’s a normal process. What I think is important is the fact that the institutions are showing that the mechanism has started to work and I fully agree with the general opinion that citizens need to see the results. Now it is no time for excuses but results, of course by balancing the demand for results with the above mentioned challenges. Taking into account this philosophy of thinking, the High Inspector of Justice, since its establishment on February 1, 2020, has performed its duty by establishing the institution from scratch and also by taking the first measures against two judges; other magistrates are in disciplinary or investigative process.” said the High Inspector of Justice.

Regarding the work philosophy of the High Inspector of Justice Office, Mr. Metani said that by balancing the public interest and the independence of the magistrates, the judges and prosecutors who violated the law should obviously be afraid and would face the consequences provided by law.

“It is important for me that the High Inspector of Justice is a balanced attitude institution in terms of its interventions in the justice system, both for judges and prosecutors, because on the one hand it must respect the public interest for justice administration – the public has an interest in seeing how the system works – but on the other hand this interest must be balanced with the independence of judges and prosecutors, with the separation of powers, with the principles of due processes and so on. This means that the High Inspector of Justice cannot keep an eye on judges all the time. But obviously, those judges and prosecutors who have violated the law, or who have violated the sacred interests of justice, should be afraid. As far as the HIJ is concerned, the time when there were judges and prosecutors who played with public or citizens interests without having any consequences does not exist anymore.” Mr. Metani said.



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