EURALIUS V mission and the HIJ held the new training aimed to strengthen the capacity of inspectors, assistant inspectors and cabinet members of the office of the High Justice Inspector.

The training which took place in the city of Korça, focused on thematic inspections and the inspections of courts and prosecution offices, as an important dimension of the work of the office of the High Inspector Justice.

In his speech at the beginning of the training, the High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani underlined that the current challenge of the HIJ is to move to another working dimension, which consists in thematic inspections. “Thematic inspections in courts and prosecution offices of all levels in the country will be the priority of this institution in the future, through the identification and solution of the problems that the system has today. Thematic inspections will not be considered as having the aim of providing disciplinary measures against magistrate, but as helping the well performance of the justice system, in the best interest of citizens by answering in due time, fairly and impartially to the needs of the society for justice. This will be realized through the thorough, professional and not individualistic study, inspection and analysis of judges and prosecutors ” held Mr. Metani.

Euralius mission expert, Anita Mihailova and the HIJ Magistrate Inspector, Marsela Pepi presented previous inspection experiences in Albania, key rules for thematic inspections and inspections of courts and prosecutors’ offices, as well as best practices and international standards.

The participants also discussed practical inspection cases, as well as submitted proposals for the inspection plan, which will be enriched with the proposals of the office of the High Justice Inspector, of the High Judicial Council, the High Prosecution Council and the General Prosecutor.

During the training it was presented the manual for Disciplinary Investigation of judges and prosecutors drafted by the office of the High Justice Inspector in cooperation with experts of the EURALIUS V mission.

Representatives of the OPDAT mission in Albania also participated in this two-day training.