High Judicial Council in today’s session accepted the request of the High Inspector of Justice for the dismissal of the magistrate K.S.

In the hearing session at the HJC, High Inspector Metani said: “In the analysis of the documentation administered within this disciplinary process, it resulted that Judge K.S., with the court decision of the Court of First Instance for Serious Crimes in Tirana (no. 69, 29.10.2019), upheld by the Special Court of Appeal for Corruption and Organized Crime Tirana (no. 19, dated 21.09.2020) was found guilty of the criminal offense “Passive corruption of judges, prosecutors and other officials of the justice bodies”, provided by article 319 / ç of the Criminal Code.”

In relation to the facts proven in this disciplinary investigation process as well as accepted by the court, results that magistrate K.S. has taken active actions through direct benefit, actions which are estimated to contain elements of the criminal offense provided by Article 319 / ç of the Criminal Code, committed during the exercise of the duty, with the direct intent to profit irregularly from them, favoring one litigant by issuing a civil court decision in his favor. 

While presenting the conclusions, Mr. Metani stated that “The actions of the magistrate K.S. have violated the regular activity of the judiciary through the irregular actions of the outsiders as well as their own actions as justice officials. These actions have violated the litigants and the public trust in the judiciary and their respect for the law, and have severely discredited the position and image of the magistrate. Irregular exercise of duty by magistrate K.S. has had consequences for the administration of justice has severely discredited the position and image of the judge and has undermined public confidence in the justice system.”

Consequently, High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani requested from the HJC the administration of the evidence presented by him in this disciplinary proceeding, the acceptance of the HIJ request for the initiation of the disciplinary proceedings and giving magistrate K.S. the disciplinary measure “dismissal”, a request that was accepted by the members of the High Judicial Council.