The High Inspector of Justice was acquainted with the public statements of the Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Bledi Çuçi, in which there were claims regarding some decision-making of magistrates and the role of HIJ.

HIJ notes with regret that the disrespect for the independence of magistrates in performing their duties, but also for the independent institutions of justice is becoming a tradition whenever it is publicly required to take responsibility.

For transparency to the public, the priority of the Office of the High Inspector of Justice work is the serious review and evaluation of all allegations made by natural or legal persons regarding the actions, inactions or violations of the magistrates on and off duty, as a balance between the principles of public interest for the administration of justice and the separation of powers.

These principles must be respected by every institution in our country, as standards and values of a democratic society and as a guarantee of the rule of law. Magistrates’ decisions may not be subject to review or discussion, through public statements outside the judicial appeals system.

The Office of the High Inspector of Justice is open to receiving complaints from any institution regarding the conduct of magistrates. In case of ascertaining behaviors which constitute disciplinary responsibilities, the High Inspector of Justice proposes to take the necessary disciplinary measures, as it has already happened with cases of disciplinary violations.