In response to some journalists’ interest in specific issues which are being reviewed, we would like to highlight that the High Inspector of Justice, during the process of disciplinary investigation procedures, pays special attention to the right to public information, but at the same time must guarantee the protection of the integrity and the figure of the magistrate, the legal interests of third parties, as well as taking care of not violating the function and purpose of the activity of the HIJ Office, during the administration of data or documents.

However, in respect of the interest of journalists and the right to public information, the HIJ Office announces that since February 1, 2020, when the activity of the institution began, there have been over 3900 complaints which are being administered and handled. These are complaints submitted to HIJ during these 17 months by citizens or institutions, as well as a large number of documentary practices inherited by previous institutions which have been responsible for the disciplinary proceedings of magistrates, and by the ones which have acted during the transitional period of 2017-2020 until the establishment of the institution of High Inspector of Justice.

This considerable archival fond consists of complaints which have not been reviewed yet, complaints partly handled or in the initial stages of their review, as well as cases partially or incompletely investigated by previous bodies, such as the Inspectorate of the High Council of Justice, Ministry of Justice, the High Council of Justice, the Prosecutor General, the High Judicial Council, or the High Prosecutorial Council. The procedures followed by the previous bodies for handling these documentary practices, due to the limited authority, divided between different bodies during the transitional period, turn out to have been incompletely and partially developed.

To create a mentality that avoids the culture of impunity and forgetfulness, the High Inspector of Justice is reviewing the practices partially handled by the previous bodies, through a special methodology, approved and published on the official website. Complaints or documentary practices are treated according to a priority order based on criteria such as date of submission, stage of review by previous bodies, typology or urgency of handling the complaint, observance of the principle of equality and objectivity, and the time necessary for reviewing and evaluating each documentary practice.

Based exactly on the review of these practices partially reviewed by the previous bodies, as well as the complaints received from the citizens,  HIJ has initiated investigation processes and disciplinary proceedings against 18 magistrates (judges and prosecutors),  in the Courts and Prosecution Offices of the Elbasan, Vlora, Dibër, Tropojë Districts etc., on issues related to the institute of releases on parole, delays in investigation procedures and court proceedings, as well as serious ethical violations.

Simultaneously, the High Inspector of Justice has initiated thematic and institutional inspections at the courts, prosecutors’ offices and their administrations, whose object is the respect of the criminal procedural legislation, on the conditions and criteria for imposing security measures. This inspection is being carried out at the prosecutoion offices of the Shkodra, Fier and Vlora Judicial Districts.

The High Inspector of Justice guarantees the public opinion that the priority of his work is the serious review and evaluation of all allegations made, both by citizens and institutions, regarding the actions, inactions or conduct of magistrates, their personal and professional ethics.