During a two-day working meeting, the Office of the High Inspector of Justice discussed and approved the internal regulation of the Institution. The entire staff of the HIJ participated in this workshop. 

The regulation defines the mechanisms of the organization and functioning of the HIJ such as the description of the duties and functions of each administrative unit, which are necessary for the implementation by the institution of the competences provided by the Constitution and the legislation in force.  

In his introductory speech, the High Inspector of Justice, Artur Metani, highlighted that this working document regulates and facilitates the internal functioning of the units that perform administrative functions, of those that are responsible for reviewing disciplinary violations of magistrates as well as the interaction between them. 

Mr. Metani noted that there is already a clear definition of how to administer the documentation, created and addressed to the HIJ office, taking into account the challenge of the backlog of over 2100 complaints inherited from other institutions, before the establishment of the HIJ, namely the former High Council of Justice, the High Judicial Council, the High Prosecutorial Council, the Prosecutor General and the Ministry of Justice. 

Representatives of EURALIUS and OPDAT, who are the partners in the path of consolidation of the new institution of the High Inspector of Justice, took part in the discussions for the approval of the HIJ regulation”.