High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani and the chairpersons of the main institutions of the justice system in Albania, completed a working visit to the highest institutions of justice in Germany as well as to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, with a view to looking closely at the German and ECHR justice systems.

During their visit at the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, the senior Albanian delegation met with the Vice President of this Court, Prof. Dr. Doris König and the federal constitutional judge Dr. Sibylle Kessal-Wulf and discussed the function of the Federal Constitutional Court in a democratic state governed by the rule of law.

During his visit at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, in a special session with the members of this Court, the High Inspector of Justice delivered a speech on “Independence and Impartiality of Judges”, seen generally and from the point of view of investigation and disciplinary proceedings. High Inspector Artur Metani underlined that there is no judicial independence without democracy and there is no democracy without judicial independence, as democracy and the rule of law are inextricably linked.

Justice reform in Albania was the focus of the conversation during the meeting with the Member of Bundestag but also Member of the Committee on Legal Affairs and the Committee on European Affairs Dr. Volker Ulrich. Speaking about the work of justice institutions, Mr. Metani said that justice reform cannot succeed without the democratization of Albanian society. And the best way for this is the integration of Albania into the European Union.

This visit of the senior delegation of the Albanian justice institutions chairpeople, including the High Inspector of Justice, Mr. Artur Metani, Chairperson of the Constitutional Court, Ms. Vitore Tusha, Deputy Chairperson of the Albanian High Court, Mr. Sokol Sadushi, Chairperson of the High Judicial Council Ms. Naureda Llagami, Chairman of the High Prosecutorial Council Mr. Gent Ibrahimi, Prosecutor General, Mr. Olsian Çela, People’s Advocate, Ms. Erinda Ballanca and the Director of the School of Magistrates Mr. Arben Rakipi was organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.