The High Prosecutorial Council accepted today the High Inspector of Justice’s request for the dismissal of the magistrate SH.K., prosecutor in the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court of First Instance of Pogradec, for serious professional violations, which discredit the position and image of the prosecutor. The disciplinary investigation against the magistrate SH.K., started after the Prosecutor General provided some information regarding procedural violations during the investigative activity, the representation of the criminal prosecution in the trial, as well as violations of ethical norms.

The disciplinary investigation conducted by the High Inspector of Justice on the investigative activity of the magistrate during 2018-2021, proved that the magistrate has repeatedly refused to review the files; has repeatedly missed hearings; has concluded cases with a decision as a prosecutor without transferring them to the court and has not issued orders for the execution of imprisonment court decisions.

The HIJ disciplinary investigation proved that magistrate SH.K. has repeatedly made serious violations of the rules of solemnity, the code of ethics in relation to the parties involved, the heads of the Prosecutor’s Office, the judges, the judicial police officers, as well as with the judicial administration.

Magistrate SH.K. misconduct has led to serious professional violations, discrediting the position and image of the prosecutor, as well as undermining public confidence in justice.

Thus the High Inspector of Justice requested from the HPC the dismissal of the prosecutor SH.K. for the disciplinary violations provided in article 148/d paragraph 2, letter “a” of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania and in article 102, paragraph 1 letter “b” sub-paragraph “ii”, article 102 paragraph 1 letter “ç”, “d”, “dh”, “g” and article 102 point 2 letter “a” and “dh” of Law no. 96/2016 “On the status of judges and prosecutors”.