Casablanca, Morocco. 11 May 2022

The High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani is participating in the two-day Regional Conference of the Justice Inspection Services of the Southern Mediterranean countries, which is being held in Casablanca, Morocco, organized by the CEPEJ project, the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice in cooperation with European Network of Justice Inspection Services (RESIJ), of which ILD is a part and the General Inspectorate of Judicial Affairs of the Superior Council of the Judiciary of the Kingdom of Morocco.

The regional conference brings together representatives of the general inspectorates of justice of the countries of the southern Mediterranean region (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia) and of certain European countries members of the RESIJ (Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain).

In his speech, the High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani focused on the statute and missions of justice inspection, the comparative approach between them, as well as the different forms of organization and interaction with other institutions.

“The quality of justice is a priority of all countries. Improving the quality of justice is a dynamic and constantly evolving process. Achieving this goal requires an ongoing need to respond to the challenges of identifying new mechanisms to protect them. There are problems which are the same for the European Union countries. Some are the same for all Council of Europe countries and others are specific to each of them.

In this context, we must all cooperate. We all need to analyze and coordinate methods of controlling and evaluating justice institutions. This should be done through periodic meetings; exchange of experiences; unification of best methods and practices in line with the standards of democracy and the rule of law; creation of legal, administrative or practical mechanisms of cooperation; data exchange; or even mutual legal assistance between states.”, said Mr. Metani during his speech at this conference.

The conference contains a series of modules, in which participants discuss and reflects about the status and competences of judicial inspection bodies, the monitoring of magistrates and the organization of courts, as well as the prospects for their new inspections and missions.

The second day of the conference will be devoted to the establishment of a South Mediterranean network of justice inspection services.