The High Inspector of Justice Office, represented by non-magistrate Inspector Ms. Joana Asimi, during a regional conference in Budva, Montenegro, made a presentation of the HIJ experience  as one of the beneficiary institutions of the program  “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey “, through the project of Strengthening Efficiency and Quality of Justice in Albania, CEPEJ.

During this conference session on the efficiency of justice, Ms. Asimi delivered her speech on “Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Albania (SEJ III), the High Inspector of Justice experience.”

“The cooperation of the High Inspector of Justice with the Project “Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Albania” (SEJIII) began during the first months of the HIJ existence, in 2020 – said Inspector Asimi among other things, – it started with the identification of the areas of assistance and continued with the development of capacities and liaison with European counterpart institutions. This cooperation led to the membership of the High Inspector of Justice in the European Network of Inspection Services (RESIJ), for the experience exchange and the creation of inspection practices, in accordance with European standards and best practices, and further brought about the organization of the International Conference on “Public interest in the administration of justice and the independence of magistrates” in Tirana, in June 2022. This conference, the first of its kind in Albania, brought together leaders and representatives of the justice inspection services from the European Union countries, namely Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Albania, as well as from the European Court of Human Rights, who shared their experiences and expertise on how justice inspection services can keep a fair balance between protecting the public interest and respecting the independence of judges and prosecutors. “

Apart from Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey also participated in the closing conference of the program ““Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey”