High Inspector of Justice, Mr. Artur Metani welcomed the new non-magistrate inspectors who join the Inspectors unit at the HIJ.

At the end of several-month procedures of competition and selection of non-magistrate candidates for the position of Inspector, the four candidates who received the most points will be part of the HIJ.

Welcoming the winning candidates to the institution, Mr. Metani underlined the importance of filling the vacancies at the inspector’s unit because the number of complaints against judges and prosecutors is very high compared to the HIJ capacities. “As it is known, said the High Inspector of Justice, this year we have set as a priority the reduction of the backlog files inherited from other institutions, in addition to handling the complaints addressed to the HIJ in two and a half years of activity, as well as the thematic inspections, an important dimension of the institution’s work. We are working at a fast pace and we are grateful to every citizen for their patience, since under the circumstances of such workload, the deadlines for handling complaints are related to the capacities of the institution.”

There are about 5,000 complaints confirmed at the HIJ, inherited and received directly at the institution. With the new non-magistrate inspectors, the Inspectors unit counts 12 magistrate and non-magistrate inspectors, out of 26.