High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani gave an interview to journalist Sonila Agostini on Albanian Radio and Television. In the beginning Mr. Metani spoke about the results of the HIJ in relation to the well-known expectations of the public for his institution, as well as for other institutions established as part of the justice reform. What he finds in the HIJ work, is the interest of citizens to turn to the institution for complaints against magistrates.

“It is very difficult today to measure the results, because even as citizens, we can identify the problems that the system has. However, the important thing is that the citizens are aware now that there is a system that works, for the complaints they have against judges and prosecutors. This is the first step, I think, of raising awareness that there is an institution, there is a mechanism, that responds to their concerns,” said Mr. Metani.

As far as the work process of the HIJ is concerned – the legal deadlines for handling a complaint, 3, 6 and 9 months, the capacities in human resources compared to the number of approximately 5 thousand filed complaints, Mr. Metani said that the High Inspector of Justice is sensitive to citizens’ dissatisfaction and impatience for the speedy handling of their complaints. Therefore, a work methodology has been approved, published on the official website, according to which early complaints, those that the HIJ inherited from the former KLD and KLGJ, should be treated with priority in order to avoid as much as possible exceeding their deadlines, as there are citizens who have been waiting for years for an answer to the complaints they have made with other institutions.

“Undoubtedly, there have been complaints, because today, as we speak, the number of complaints filed with the High Inspector of Justice Office is about 5,000, a bit less, but 5,000 rounded off. The number of handled complaints is half. Of course, half are unhappy because they are waiting for answers, but the HIJ Office has tried to be transparent with the way it handles citizen complaints. Today, on the website of the HIJ Office, the methodology of how the High Inspector of Justice works, i.e., which complaints are given priority, how these complaints are handled, the deadlines within which they are handled, so that citizens, before expressing their dissatisfaction, as much as this can be possible, because obviously citizens cannot all be lawyers, can see that we try to be as transparent as possible with them, so that citizens understand how we work. In this way, they are free to evaluate the work of the High Inspector of Justice. To be honest, there is dissatisfaction, because we see this in the repeated complaints are filed. We try to address any concerns in a timely manner. However, priority has been given to the old complaints, because we must respond to the citizens who had addressed the state offices in time and  not forget the complaints that the citizens have presented recently.”

To the question whether in two and a half years in office there was interference or pressure from politics, Mr. Metani answered:

“I think the important question is not whether there is pressure or not. The most important question is whether we are affected by this pressure and whether the new institutions of justice but also the courts and prosecutors’ offices submit to this pressure. The personal answer is no! There is no chance that this institution will submit to political pressure, or any other kind of pressure, because it is not only political pressure we are speaking. We as well as everyone else should be clear about this. I am convinced that my colleagues also think and have the same answer.”

Asked if he thinks that 6 years after the adoption of the reform in justice there should be a monitoring process to measure the results or failures of the reform in justice, Metani replied that this is now a necessary process, although delicate, and this process can be done by  Albanian Parliament.

“Evaluation of justice institutions is delicate, not just for those who are in justice institutions today, even personally speaking. It is important that the work of courts and prosecution offices, the work of justice institutions is measured by analytical and scientific indicators. It cannot be measured by perceptions in my view. Therefore, the work of justice institutions cannot be criticized without indicators, just as it cannot be praised without indicators. For me, the important thing is that the work is evaluated using standards, and if standards have been set by these institutions, by HIJ, HJC, HPC by SAC, for the disciplinary proceedings we have, we evaluate it and then see what needs to be changed. But the change must come on the basis of a professional study and analysis,” said Mr. Metani.

Metani asked about political pressure

Metani for the criticism of the justice reform