Today the High Prosecutorial Council accepted the High Inspector of Justice request for dismissal against prosecutor E.K., of the Prosecutor’s Office at Lushnje Judicial District Court and temporarily appointed as the head of Prosecutor’s office at Kukës Judicial District Court.
Prosecutor E.K. was sentenced by a final decision to 2 years and 4 months of imprisonment for committing the criminal offense of “Passive corruption of judges, prosecutors and other justice officials, which constitutes a “very serious disciplinary violation”.
E.K. has discredited the position and image of the magistrate, has severely damaged the image of justice and has lowered the public’s trust in the administration of justice. As a result, the High Inspector of Justice asked the High Prosecutorial Council to administer the evidence presented by the HIJ in this disciplinary proceeding and to accept the HIJ request for “Dismissal from duty” against magistrate E.K. provided for by article 148/d, paragraph 2, letter “b” of the Constitution and by article 104, paragraph 3 of law no. 96/2016 “On the Status of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”, as amended”.