Vlora, May 20, 2023

High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani participated in the International Scientific Conference “Rolando Quadri Relectures in International Law”, organized by the Department of Law of University “Ismail Qemali” of Vlora.

Organized as a study day in honor of the prominent Italian jurist Rolando Quadri and his many years of contribution to International Law, the conference brought together legal professionals and researchers, academics, representatives of institutions from Albania and Italy.

In his greeting address at the conference, High Inspector of Justice Artur Metani underlined his personal and professional satisfaction of being in an environment where the discussion is done at the academic level, as a very important process which provokes a debate useful.

With reference to the conference topic, Mr. Metani said: “When I became acquainted with the program of this activity, the topics of discussion as well as the issues that will be addressed, the first thought that came to my mind was the skepticism that has accompanied the development of the international law since ancient times.

There are many skeptical authors such as philosophers, political scientists, lawyers or publicists who deny the character or feature of “positive law” to the international law, since states are sovereign and consequently, they can apply no other law. International law lacks the characteristics of “positive law”, but it should be considered only as a matter of ethics or international positive morality”

The High Inspector of Justice expressed his delight that it was Albania which through the conference, would be the starting point of building a continuous dialogue. “Not only will we share our opinions within the framework of international law, but we will also share opinions on the values that unite us, on the relationship that each of us has with the law, on its universality, institutional structures and cooperation between individuals or states.”