In parallel with the visit to Tirana of Mr. Christophe Straudo, President of RESIJ and Chairman of the Inspectorate General of Justice of France, two inspectors general of the Inspectorate General of Justice of France, Magistrate Inspector Marjorie Obadia and Inspector General Jean-Louis Daumas conducted a two-day training session with the team of HIJ, with the support of CEPEJ -the joint European Union/Council of Europe project on justice.

At the beginning of the training session, in his welcoming address, High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani praised such professional exchanges as a a working method for the institution he heads, so that the HIJ team could have the highest work performance based on the expertise and best practices of European counterpart institutions or even other institutions.

Chairman of the Inspectorate General of Justice of France, Mr. Christophe Straudo underlined the willingness of the French counterparts to give their expertise to their Albanian colleagues at any time, and this training session proves it.

During these two days of training, the French inspectors made a presentation of the Inspectorate General of Justice of France, focusing on thematic inspections and supporting ones, operational controls and reference standards, the methodology of functional inspections, administrative investigations against magistrates and the methodology used, by discussing concrete cases, problems and solutions.

The training sessions were attended by Inspectors of the HIJ Office, assistant inspectors, members of the cabinet and of the department of drafting legal acts and services.


Inspector Jean-Louis Daumas, head of the department of decisions execution at the Inspectorate General of Justice of France, with a long experience as a head of penitentiary services, and Magistrate Inspector Marjorie Obadia held a meeting with the general director of prisons, Mr. Admir Abrija, who introduced them to the prison system in Albania, their management, the social dimension of the system, the professional growth of the staff and answered the questions of the interlocutors, who made comparisons with the French model.