Participants of the Academy of European Integration and Negotiations (AIEN) conducted a study visit to the premises of the HIJ, during which they held a conversation with the High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani, within the “Rule of Law” module.

Engaged in public administration, non-public institutions, non-governmental organizations from the ranks of lawyers and the media, the participants of this academy were introduced by Mr. Metani to the role and functions of the High Inspector of Justice and the challenges of the institution, as an important part of the new structure created by the reform in justice and further, of the accession process of Albania in the European Union.

The interest of the AIEN participants was related to the difference between the functions of the HIJ and the predecessor institution of the disciplinary process, regarding the way of conducting inspections, the progress of complaints, aspects of the HIJ work towards magistrates and the human resources of the institution.

In response to the interest of the participants, Mr. Metani also spoke about the work philosophy of the HIJ, focusing on the dilemma of the institutional discussion about the balance between the public’s trust and the trust of the magistrates in the institution, aiming to cultivate the spirit of independence in the ranks of the magistrates, together with the responsibility for the exercise of the profession with standards.

The conversation between AIEN participants and the High Inspector of Justice continued regarding the aspects of the sustainability of the justice reform, its progress, the areas for improvement in terms of increasing the effectiveness of the judicial supervision process in Albania, etc.

At the end of the conversation, the participants of the Academy of European Integration and Negotiations took a tour of the premises of the Office of the High Inspector of Justice.