High Inspector of Justice Mr. Artur Metani held a roundtable discussion with the representatives of the civil society organizations operating in the municipality of Lezha.

The meeting, supported by the OSCE Presence in Albania, is part of the communication strategy of the High Inspector of Justice Office for presenting the institution to various interest groups where they live and operate, even outside the capital, as well as discussing with them on how they see the role of the institution, experiences and expectations in relation to the behavior of magistrates in the system. This direct communication helps to increase the transparency and the efficiency of the HIJ work as well as increasing and strengthening the public trust in the justice system.

High Inspector of Justice Mr. Metani made a presentation of the role of the HIJ, as the institution responsible for the verification of complaints, investigation of disciplinary violations and the initiation of disciplinary proceedings against judges and prosecutors of all levels in the country and responded to the interest of the participants on specific aspects of the work as well as of the justice system.

“Justice reform needs to convey to the citizens the importance of implementing the principle of the separation and balancing of powers, as the only standard that guarantees the future of the justice system independence. Transparency and open communication remain essential to increase and strengthen public trust in the institution’s performances. This is the reason why the HIJ devotes time and attention to the interaction with citizens and interest groups, through both the complaints office in the institution and the direct meetings, such as this table discussion, which is proving to us how necessary such contacts are, said among other things, Mr. Metani.

There was an open discussion on how the HIJ complaints process works as well as the expectations of the participants based on concrete experiences. Inspectors, assistant inspectors and employees of the complaints and public relations office of the Office of the High Inspector of Justice were also involved in the discussion.

The representatives of the OSCE Presence, Mr. Mauro Puzzo and Ms. Luljeta Krasniqi pointed out that the Presence is pleased to support such projects of the institution open communication with civil society, as an important dimension of the participatory democracy and the increase of public trust in the justice system.